Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ely Reception + New Finish and Corrections

Heres some pictures of me and my 'partner' Nasty Nate hanging my Elys. He's proud of me.

So the Ely Reception was this past Sunday. It was fun. Lots of awkward moments. Family everywhere. 1000 introductions. Here's some (awkward) pictures. My family is so bad at cameras. Haha. Every single picture is blurry.

above: my sister and I

My girlfriend Daphane

Aw it's my mommy and daddy!

So here's my latest finished image. Hot off the press from last night. But i'm proud of it now so im posting it. Top to bottom - sketch, painting, digital finish.

As for the sketches from the last post, that finish is now on my website so I am not putting it on here. I also have two old images to update on there. Im trying to get on the ball here. Speaking of getting on the ball, school is coming to a close. only three more images left to make for my portfolio. Maaan oh man. Better make em' good!