Friday, September 4, 2009


Excuse me,

For taking such a long break from drawing and painting. It's been all summer and I still haven't touched a paint brush, but that's gonna end real soon because of this:

I think I just finished my sketch of this sink. It's been on my mind for months and I finally just sat down to start drawing it. One of the obstacles I had while trying to get some drawing done was that I didn't have a drawing table, and I used that as an excuse to do nothing for the entire summer. I got really sick of that excuse and I just went out and bought one, and It motivated me to finish. I actually banged this out pretty fast. That's all.


  1. looks nice, I would like to see the finish. Maybe the faucet and handles could use a size upgrade. Nice to see you working again, and your website looks good too.

  2. What have you been doing all summer if not art? Work?

  3. Yeah, just working. For a while i was really confused whether to focus on finding a better non-career related job, or to just focus on illustration with the job I have now. But I decided to go with the illustration. So I've been just scraping by money wise, but it's all good.


  4. I've been trying to correct the flaws in my portfolio, because I felt like maybe I didn't have a very clear direction to my work and maybe a more uniform, portfolio would be better. That last year of school made me kind of dislike art. All the advise telling me to "do this" or "do that", I really, just wanted a break to be honest. Moneywise, I still am living at home, and dumping all the money I get into my family account, that way, I don't have to live off of a crappy substitute job.

  5. I have been working on an iphone game with a group of government engineers including my brother-in-law. I have also been working on my children's book, but it's hard when you don't have anyone to get excited about doing artwork with. I don't really miss the critiques like all the teachers said I would, but I do miss the energy and the perspective that a living in art is something to strive for, not an impossibility.
