Here's my new image. It's on the subject of finding a cure for Alzheimer's.

Just because it's fun to scan thumbnails, I stuck them in there. Don't read too far into the images you see in my thumbnails.

finished sketch

Finished painting. Ew! Colors are horrendous partially because of a bogus scan and the fact that this file of the painting has been tampered with. Parts are really desaturated. Also the dimensions are different. The finish is supposed to be a square, but I ended up completing the image with the proportions seen on the painting, so that I could put it on a postcard.

Here's the digital finish. Did a lot of tampering with colors. Took out a lot more of the pencil work than usual. I think it looks a lot less messy.
Thanks for checking up.
I feel that it is an accurate portrayal of Alzheimer's disease, or at least it's psychological effects on the person and their family. My grandmom started to get this before she died, it was rough. On a lighter note though, I used to think it was called "old timers" too!!